I cannot describe accurately as no words can describe this feeling but I will try!
The feeling of love, peace, joy and happiness I feel each minute of every day is awesome! Whilst praying and then meditating one morning in March 2017, I received divine guidance to create this work.
To bring to you in a real and everyday way, the principles, and my understandings of the teachings of this book called "A Course in Miracles". To bring these words of peace and love to you so you may feel empowered, guided, loved, protected and filled with joy and inner peace for the rest of your days.
My deepest wish is that you claim all of that for yourself as you read these words. I believe that everything in life happens for a reason, the people we meet, the books we read, all these things happen with divine guidance.
The book “A Course in Miracles “ changed my life, so get ready now to change your life, as you open your mind and your heart to receive this Gift from God and also my gift to you “ A Gift from God”.
May God Bless You.
Please take a few moments to contemplate each highlighted text throughout this course as the messages are deep and meaningful.
Every answer
You have ever looked for
And every question you will ever ask.
These answers are
All inside of you.
When you look outside
For answers, you close the door
On your inner wisdom.
(Acim Chapter 27)